Artur gunia

Assistant professor

Cognitive science, Informatics, Philosophy

Joined: 2019


I am Artur Gunia, PhD, a philosopher, computer scientist, and cognitive scientist. I hold the position of an assistant professor at the Department of Cognitive Science at Jagiellonian University. My research interests revolve around cognitive enhancement through the utilization of augmented and mixed reality technologies, and I'm particularly focused on understanding how these technologies affect cognitive processes.

Additionally, I delve into transhumanist philosophy, with a specific emphasis on the concepts of morphological freedom and cyborgization. At the moment, my research revolves around the intriguing realm of social robots and their influence on human emotions. This research allows me to collaborate with remarkable robots such as Pepper, Nao, Misty 2, and Miro-E, which is an absolute pleasure. Over the course of my career, I have authored numerous scientific articles that explore the impact of information technologies on human cognitive abilities.


iChores: Intuitive interfaces for human-robot collaboration

A study on the role of scene explanations in creating trust in Human-Robot Interaction

Safety as the sixth sense - Perceptual Enhancement Technologies

Recent Publications

Gunia, A. (2024). The role of trust in human-machine interaction: Cognitive science perspective. W Artificial intelligence, management and trust (s. 85–126). Routledge.

Gunia, A., Jarosz, S., & Sołtysik, M. (2024). Robot ethics and artificial morality. W Artificial Intelligence, Management and Trust (s. 127–143). Routledge.

Schöning, J., Kettler, J., Jäger, M. I., & Gunia, A. (2023). Grand theft auto-based cycling simulator for cognitive enhancement technologies in dangerous traffic situations. Sensors, 23(7), 3672.

Social Robotics Lab

We explore Human-Robot Interaction in natural social settings.

Jagiellonian University

ul. Ingardena 3, room 304B

30-060 Kraków


© 2023, Social Robotics Laboratory

Social Robotics Lab

We explore Human-Robot Interaction in natural social settings.



© 2023, Social Robotics Laboratory